20 Songs About Running

Running is more than just a way to get fit. For many people, it’s a way of life. It’s a time to clear their heads and focus on nothing but the task at hand. It’s a metaphor for life, with all its ups and downs. These 20 songs perfectly capture the essence of running and its importance in our lives.

1. “Run To You” by Lea Michele

Lea Michele’s “Run to You” provides the listener with an angelic, soothing voice that draws you in. The song talks about a person who longs for the love of their partner. A simple call would bring them running to that person. giving them comfort and understanding.

2. “Before They Make Me Run” by The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones’ classic rock song perfectly expresses the emotions of fleeing trouble, turning a new leaf, and moving away from the vices of life. The song speaks of a person who has made mistakes but wants to make amends and move on with their life.

3. “I Run To You” by Lady Antebellum

“I Run to You” by Lady Antebellum is a great song for those who struggle to find solace and peace in their lives.

The song talks about wanting to run away from all the pain and turmoil of life and seek refuge in someone else’s arms or home. a reminder that we are never alone and can find strength in others.

4. “I Run For Life” by Melissa Etheridge

The anthem for breast cancer victims and survivors, “I Run for Life,” by Melissa Etheridge, is a powerful song of strength and courage.

The song tells you to move forward and continue running, no matter the obstacles. The lyrics encourage you to push yourself further and never give up.

5. “Running Back” by Thin Lizzy

Thin Lizzy’s classic rock song “Running Back” talks about the trouble of moving on from a past relationship. He knows that it’s all over, but he still can’t stop himself from wanting to run back to his love. It’s a reminder that it takes time for the pain and hurt of broken love to go away completely.

6. “Run to You” by Bryan Adams

“Run to You” by Bryan Adams talks about an affair with a woman that satisfies him better. The song speaks of a person’s need to escape from their mundane life and find solace in someone else. It talks about the thrill of running away from the everyday routine and finding love with another person.

7. “Running With The Wolves” by Cloud Cult

“Running With The Wolves” by Cloud Cult is a song that speaks of the human desire to be wild and free. It discusses rediscovering yourself through a new platform.

This is a reminder that we are all capable of finding our way through any situation if we have the courage to take risks and trust our own instincts.

8. “I’m Born to Run” by American Authors

“I’m Born to Run” by American Authors encourages the listener to push themselves beyond their own limits. The song speaks of a person who wants to live their life to the fullest and go after their dreams no matter what. It’s a reminder to never give up and keep running with determination and courage.

9. “Runaway” by Del Shannon

Del Shannon’s classic song “Runaway” speaks of a person who has been abandoned by his lover. The song is about the singer’s feelings of confusion and betrayal after their lover left them without any explanation.

10. “Run” by George Strait

“Run” by George Strait is a song about missing his partner. He urges her to take whatever means possible to get to him as rapidly as she can. The song speaks of a person’s intense yearning and how badly they want to return to the one they love.

11. “Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen’s classic song “Born to Run” is a powerful anthem about restless youth and wanting to do anything to escape the mundane life. The song speaks of yearning to break free and find enjoyment in discovering the world.

12. “Run for Cover” by The Killers

The Killers’ song “Run for Cover” is about a woman trying to escape an abusive relationship. The song is a reminder of how important it is to never give up and fight for your freedom.

The lyrics also point out that there is always someone willing to help you in times of need, making it possible to start again with new hope.

13. “Take the Money and Run” by The Steve Miller Band

The Steve Miller Band’s classic “Take the Money and Run” is a song about getting away from a crime. The lyrics tell the story of a couple who planned a robbery, which led them to kill the man they robbed.

The song speaks of the consequences of their actions and how they paid for them when they had to run away indefinitely.

14. “Running Up That Hill” by Kate Bush

Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill” is a song about a woman who wants to trade places with her partner in an effort for them to understand one another better.

The lyrics speak of how she’d rather take the pain upon herself than see him suffer from it. This song is a reminder that there will be misunderstandings in relationships, and no one is free from making mistakes.

15. “Stand Up And Run” by Billy Talent

Billy Talent’s “Stand Up and Run” is a song about finding the strength to move on from the mishaps of life. The chorus speaks of how it’s important to keep pushing forward regardless of the obstacles that come your way. The lyrics remind us not to be afraid of taking risks because they will eventually lead us to our destination.

16. “Run” by OneRepublic

OneRepublic’s “Run” is about using youth to take risks and do everything that you can to make your dreams come true.

The song speaks of how life is full of uncertainties, and no matter what, we still have to keep on running to reach our goals. The lyrics are a reminder to stay focused and have faith that everything will eventually fall into place.

17. “Runaway” by Kanye West

Kanye West’s “Runaway” is a song about being self-aware of the imperfections that one has. The lyrics speak of how he’s aware that he’s into things that are unappealing for a woman; Ye questions the woman’s decision to stay, asking why she won’t run away.

Vices can be hard to break, and this song serves as a reminder that sometimes the best thing we can do is accept our faults and move on.

18. “Run to the Hills” by Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden’s “Run to the Hills” is about a Native American uprising against European colonization. The lyrics tell of how the Native Americans were forced to flee their land and seek refuge in order to survive.

It speaks of running away from oppression and doing whatever it takes to fight for freedom despite being greatly outnumbered.

19. “Run Rudolph Run” by Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry’s “Run, Rudolph, Run” is a classic Christmas song that celebrates the journey of Santa Claus and his reindeer, especially Rudolph. The lyrics speak of how Rudolph was able to help Santa achieve his goal of giving gifts to the children, no matter how difficult it was.

20. “Misguided Ghosts” by Paramore

Paramore’s “Misguided Ghosts” is a song about self-discovery. The lyrics express that sometimes the only way to figure ourselves out is to run away from the people who make us feel safe, to figure out the wrongs in life, and to become a better person.

The song reminds us that our lives aren’t perfect and we are still misguided in our paths, and there will come a time when something will come to make everything better.


The 20 songs about running we’ve listed are a testament to the idea that, sometimes, the best way to deal with our problems is to put one foot in front of the other and just keep going.

Whether you’re facing personal struggles or difficult times head-on, these songs will give you the courage to keep moving forward. So, next time you feel like giving up, turn on your favorite song and let it inspire you to run a little bit harder.